Every American willing to work deserves a secure job that provides a living wage with benefits. Working Americans must not be forced into unemployment every time there is a downturn in the economy. A Secure, living-wage job is only one of the benefits of the Federal Job Guarantee.

Job Security

Under the Federal Job Guarantee, every community will have an Employment Office instead of an Unemployment Office. The local community would determine which jobs have social value for each local community and the local Employment Office handles the paperwork.  The Federal Government would pay the worker directly.

The FJG would not only ensure full employment, it would also empower workers.  Private employers must match the wages and benefits of the FJG if they want workers.  If your home is being contaminated by industrial pollution or your water is contaminated as in Flint Michigan, you have the resources to move to a healthier location with the assurance of a living wage job in a cleaner community.

Look around your community. There are so many things that need attention, they all require labor, and each is a meaningful job.  Infrastructure repair, elderly care, housing and feeding the homeless, installation of green energy, ecosystem upgrades, and childcare, to name a few.  All community service volunteers should be paid for their labor and citizen oversight of government is badly needed. That would be a great job.

For the 23 million jobless Americas, unemployment is devastating. The effects of unemployment extend well beyond the financial impact. Unemployment leads to poverty, hunger, homelessness, divorce, domestic abuse, poor health, and crime. It’s is especially distressing for innocent children. Approximately 145 Americans commit suicide every week because of unemployment.  This is unacceptable.     

Because the private sector employers are only focused on profits, they are not concerned with the human suffering of unemployment.

If the private sector is unable to use the 23 million unemployed workers, then it is the Constitutional obligation of the Federal Government to buy up those 23 million workers and put them to good use in local communities performing work that improves the lives of everyone in the community.

When the economy grows, as it will with the Federal Job Guarantee, and the private sector needs workers, then it must match the wages and benefits of the Federal Job Guarantee.

The benefits include universal healthcare, college tuition, five weeks paid vacation and paid family leave.   

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